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Fractional Laser Skin Rejuvenation leaves our clients looking younger – no incisions necessary. Fractional Laser Skin Rejuvenation is an excellent choice for reducing sun damaged skin including discoloration, wrinkles, fine and deep lines and also for reducing severe to mild acne scarring and stretch marks. Other benefits include improvement in skin tone and texture, and pore size.

If you’re looking to improve the appearance of the skin on your face, neck, décolleté and/or hands, Fractional Laser Skin Rejuvenation is an easy, excellent option that uses the latest, most advanced developments in cosmetic laser technology.

The most commonly treated areas are the face, neck, eye area and hands.

Fractional Laser Skin Rejuvenation is the best treatment for:

  • Lines and wrinkles

  • Uneven texture

  • Sun damage

  • Severe to mild acne scars

  • Stretch Marks

IPL Treatment

IPL, or intense pulsed light, is a versatile treatment that can improve a range of issues on the face, hands, neck, and chest, including brown spots, broken capillaries, and rosacea. The energy stimulates collagen and elastin production, which may help improve reduce fine lines and shrink enlarged pores. The size of the head of the IPL device is usually larger than most laser spot sizes, which allows for the rapid treatment of large areas.

What are the benefits of IPL?

  • IPL is best used to attack brown pigment in the skin, helping to reduce sunspots and melasma.

  • It’s also effective at reducing redness caused by broken capillaries, rosacea, and general facial flushing—something only a few other light-based modalities can do. 

  • It’s often less expensive than other light-based devices and lasers that treat the same conditions. However, multiple sessions are usually required for the best results.

  • Recovery time is minimal, and you usually can return to your routine immediately after your treatment.

  • The risks of IPL are lower than those of some other light-based procedures.


Microneedling (aka collagen-induction therapy) is a nonsurgical treatment that penetrates your skin’s surface with tiny needles to improve its appearance. It may sound a little medieval, but most skin rejuvenation treatments, whether laser or a chemical peel, manipulate a wound-healing response to create a structural and cosmetic benefit. 

The procedure can help smooth lines and wrinkles, even skin tone (including stubborn melasma), refine enlarged pores, tighten skin, and fade scars and stretch marks. 

What are the benefits of microneedling?

By creating microscopic punctures in the skin, microneedling creates thousands of tiny injuries. This triggers a healing response that releases a cascade of growth factors, which in turn boosts production of the body’s own collagen (the protein fibers that keep skin smooth and supple). 

It’s a form of fractional treatment, which means only a fraction of the skin’s surface is affected. This means that recovery time is relatively short.

Microneedling also allows ingredients to penetrate dramatically better and work more effectively, by creating channels for topical products to be absorbed.

PRP Injection

A PRP injection treatment starts with drawing a patient’s blood and processing it so only the enriched cells remain. The enriched cells are called platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, and they’re injected back into the treatment area. 

What are the benefits of a PRP injection?

PRP injections are believed to have a host of benefits. The treatment can help restore damaged skin; boost the healing process for wounds and injuries (even in tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints); and serve as an anti-aging solution. 

How do PRP injections work?

Plasma contains red blood cells; white blood cells; and platelets, or thrombocytes, that contribute to essential growth functions and healing processes. When these platelets are separated and reintroduced into the bloodstream, your body’s reparative cell production is stimulated.

To prepare a PRP injection, blood is extracted and run through a centrifuge in order to concentrate the platelets. They’re then injected directly into the tissue in need of regeneration.

Typically, PRP injections begin to work after one or two treatments. Up to three injections may be given in a six-month period.